Mitch Reed

Mitch Reed

Mitch is a Guitar instructor at

Mitch Reed lives in the college town of Kent, Ohio, and performs regularly throughout the northeast Ohio area. When he was 16, he got his first paying gig as a bass player, in a 50's music show at a now-defunct amusement park. He is at home on acoustic and electric, and primarily focuses on solo performances. Depending on his mood for the evening, he might decide to bring an acoustic, electric, 12 string, or resonator guitar to the gig. He is not a blues man, folk guit... (more)

Mitch currently offers 3 guitar lessons at JamPlay, with 3 song lessons.

Mitch Reed's contribution to JamPlay

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Song Lessons With Mitch Reed

Ragtime and Slide

"The Sunday Blues"

Mitch Reed

Mitch teaches an original ragtime song.

18:20 Runtime

"Cannonball Rag"

Mitch Reed

Mitch teaches his interpretation of the classic "Cannonball Rag."

15:36 Runtime

"The Blake-ish Rag"

Mitch Reed

Mitch Reed teaches an original that is heavily influenced by "Blind Blake," the legendary blind guitarist.

16:55 Runtime

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