JamPlay Song Lessons /

How to play "Make Them Musical" on guitar

   Song lesson length:  13:28

Scenes in the lessons: 2

Scenes: 2


Difficulty rating:   3.0 of 5

"Make Them Musical"

Learn to play Make Them Musical by on guitar. As a JamPlay member, you get unlimited access to this song lesson as well as hundreds more!

Scene 1 - Make Them Musical (8.12)


Scene 2 - Practice Session (5.36)

Membership Required

Tony Martinez

When playing any scale, you want to use it in the most musical way possible. This requires moving around the scale in a manner that might be outside your comfort zone. Tony takes the pentatonic scale and shows us how to NOT sound like a robot, but how to sound musical!

Anatomy of a Song Lesson


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