Nick Greathouse

Nick Greathouse

Nick is a Guitar instructor at

Nick Greathouse was born on December 11th, 1980 in Canton, Ohio. He was exposed to many different musical styles from a very young age. Growing up in the "MTV generation" some of his earliest memories involve watching Van Halen, Bon Jovi, Def Leppard, and Guns n' Roses with his brother and cousin. His mother played piano, sang and filled the house with the sounds of singer-songwriters Cat Stevens, Jackson Browne and Elton John and his father was always listening to count... (more)

Nick currently offers 28 guitar lessons at JamPlay, with 9 intermediate lessons, 4 song lessons and 15 Lick & Riff Library entries.

Nick Greathouse's contribution to JamPlay

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Speed and Technique

Speed and Technique

This exercise-heavy series serves to improve your playing dexterity, coordination, synchronization of your left and right hand, and speed building in the techniques of alternate picking, sweep picking, and legato.


Alternate Picking Part 1

Nick starts his series with Alternate Picking part 1. Improve your timing, speed, and execution with this important lesson.

21:23 Runtime

2.0 Difficulty

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Legato Playing Part 1

Nick lays down the building blocks for legato playing. Strengthen and improve your left hand skills in Legato Part 1.

12:53 Runtime

2.0 Difficulty


Sweep Picking and Arpeggios Part 1

Nick lays down the building blocks for sweep picking. Precision and relaxation are crucial when it comes to this technique.

21:27 Runtime

2.5 Difficulty


Alternate Picking - Part 2

Alternate Picking Part 2 will build up your technique by adding a second string.

21:23 Runtime

2.0 Difficulty


Legato Playing - Part 2

Nick takes Legato playing a step further with more advanced examples such as full scale patterns.

33:43 Runtime

2.5 Difficulty


Sweep Picking and Arpeggios - Part 2

Nick teaches you some new sweep picking licks and demonstrates how to connect arpeggios together.

24:48 Runtime

2.5 Difficulty


Alternate Picking Part 3

Nick covers 5 practice sequences in the key of A major that will beef up your alternate picking technique.

36:18 Runtime

1.5 Difficulty


Sweep Picking part 3

Nick teaches the basics of sweep picking with exercises that have helped him.

22:18 Runtime

2.0 Difficulty


Pentatonic Sequences and Techniques

Nick teaches exercises and techniques for the B Minor Pentatonic scale.

21:10 Runtime

2.0 Difficulty

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