Doc Coyle

Doc Coyle

From God Forbid

God Forbid started out by building up a following in the late 1990s touring with bands such as GWAR, Nile, Cradle of Filth and Candiria. Their first full album Reject the Sickness was released by 9 Volt Records in 1999. This album received heavy rotation from WSOU-FM in the New York City area and the band was subsequently signed to Century Media Records, releasing the album Determination in 2001. They played on the MTV2 Headbanger's Ball tour with Shadows Fall and Lamb of G... (more)

Doc currently offers 6 guitar lessons at JamPlay, with 5 song lessons and 1 entertainment videos.

Doc Coyle's contribution to JamPlay

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God Forbid Songs With Doc Coyle

Learn God Forbid songs from the bands lead guitarist, Doc Coyle.

"Empire Of The Gun"

God Forbid

This detuned seven string beast of a song was released on Earthsblood in early 2009.

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God Forbid

Doc Coyle teaches this God Forbid song from IV: Constitution Of Treason.

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"Anti Hero"

God Forbid

Doc Coyle teaches "Anti Hero" from Gone Forever.

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"Living Nightmare"

God Forbid

Doc Coyle teaches this thrash song from God Forbid's Gone Forever record.

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"To The Fallen Hero"

God Forbid

From their fourth album, IV: Constitution of Treason, comes this God Forbid classic! As with all of his lessons here on JamPlay, Doc teaches both guitar parts, the solo, and demonstrates how they all come together in the song demonstration scene.

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