JamPlay Song Lessons /

How to play "Poison Cookies Rhythm" on guitar

   Song lesson length:  2:00

Scenes in the lessons: 1

Scenes: 1


Difficulty rating:   3.0 of 5

"Poison Cookies Rhythm"

Learn to play Poison Cookies Rhythm by on guitar. As a JamPlay member, you get unlimited access to this song lesson as well as hundreds more!

Scene 1 - Poison Cookies Rhythm (2)


Tony MacAlpine

This catchy line is sure to have you coming back for more. Built off of the open B string, the straightforward rhythm and melodic movement just feel good under your fingers. The string skipping and speed of this line may be challenging, but with some work, you’ll get there. This line really holds the band together, and is a key element to the feel of the song.

Anatomy of a Song Lesson


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