Fingerstyle Picking Hand Mastery

Genre and Style Guitar Course from Trevor Gordon Hall

What exactly does it mean to have mastery over your picking hand? Is it the ability to play independent bass lines with your thumb while simultaneously playing chords or melodic lines with the other fingers? Does it imply that you can control the dynamics of each note played with each individual finger? The answer to these questions is: Yes, and more. Join Trevor Gordon Hall as he breaks down not only what it means to have mastery over your picking hand but also how to achieve it!

25 Lessons

Complete course with step-by-step lessons and practice examples.


Course filmed with 6 cameras for the perfect angles.

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Full Course Breakdown

Trevor will demonstrate the commonly used fingerstyle picking techniques and patterns that are essential to playing fingerstyle guitar. The lessons in this course will provide us with exercises and examples of each individual technique and how to combine specific techniques that will assist us with our goal of truly mastering the fingers on our picking hand!



Trevor Gordon Hall introduces us to "Fingerstyle Pick Hand Mastery"!

2:49 Runtime

0.0 Difficulty


Traveling Ring Finger

In this lesson, Trevor will show us an exercise that is designed to help build finger intuition on our picking hand

11:40 Runtime

1.5 Difficulty

View this Lesson

Descending a Line

We will focus on producing an even sound or volume level from each finger on the picking hand in this next exercise

7:11 Runtime

1.5 Difficulty


Pedaling Open Strings

Up next, we will take a look at how to pedal between our index and ring fingers using open strings.

7:17 Runtime

1.5 Difficulty


Pinching Thumb and Index/Ring

Now we will look at playing two notes at the same time with our picking hand. Trevor demonstrates the proper way to pinch the strings to accomplish this.

8:08 Runtime

2.0 Difficulty


Ascending and Descending PIMA Picking Pattern

It's time for us to add some patterns to our repertoire. In this lesson, Trevor shows us ascending and descending patterns while giving us some insight into how we can get more comfortable playing each one.

8:05 Runtime

2.5 Difficulty


Double Notes on String With Different Fingers

For this next lesson, we will learn how to repeat the same note on a single string using multiple fingers on our picking hand.

6:47 Runtime

2.0 Difficulty


One Note Per String Exercise

Trevor shows us an exercise that he developed to help with crossing strings with our picking hand in this next lesson.

8:21 Runtime

2.0 Difficulty


Crossing Strings with Quarter and Eighth Notes

Building on what we learned in the previous lesson, we will learn about mini speed-bursts and how to apply them to our playing!

7:58 Runtime

2.0 Difficulty


Ascending and Descending Eighth Notes Crossing Strings

In this next lesson, we will look at an exercise that requires us to play eighth notes while crossing strings with our index and middle fingers on the picking hand!

6:33 Runtime

2.5 Difficulty


Alternate Picking Starting on M in C Major

Now Trevor will show us an alternate picking exercise that will help us get comfortable starting with the middle finger of our picking hand.

8:25 Runtime

2.5 Difficulty


Alternate Picking Starting on I in G Major

We will slightly change things in this lesson by learning to get more familiar with alternate picking when starting with our index finger.

7:56 Runtime

2.5 Difficulty


Alternate Picking with Varied Eighth and Sixteenth Notes - Starting with M

Since we are now comfortable alternate picking with the fingers on our picking hand, Trevor will increase the difficulty a bit by adding sixteenth notes to this exercise!

9:10 Runtime

2.5 Difficulty


Alternate Picking with Varied Eighth and Sixteenth Notes - Starting with A

Things will get a little more tricky in this lesson as we look at an alternate picking pattern that forces us to start picking with the ring finger on our picking hand!

10:12 Runtime

3.0 Difficulty


Tremolo with AMI while thumb arpeggiates

This next lesson focuses on a technique that should sound very familiar. We will learn how to arpeggiate a chord with our thumb while tremolo picking a single string with the other fingers on our picking hand.

9:15 Runtime

3.0 Difficulty


Tremolo pattern on B and E strings

With the tremolo and arpeggiating technique under our fingers, we will increase the difficulty level in this next exercise by using the tremolo picking on both the E and B strings.

8:12 Runtime

3.0 Difficulty


Scale Shape with Free Stroke and Rest Stroke

Up next, Trevor will demonstrate the differences between a free stroke and a rest stroke and teach us an exercise that incorporates both of these techniques.

14:26 Runtime

3.0 Difficulty


Rest Stroke with the Thumb

After getting comfortable using the rest stroke technique with our fingers, we need to get comfortable doing the same thing with our thumb. Trevor demonstrates an exercise that will help us achieve that in this next lesson.

8:07 Runtime

3.0 Difficulty


Combining Thumb Rest Stroke with Your Other Fingers

In this next lesson, we will learn another exercise that combines the free stroke and rest stroke techniques with chords and single note playing!

8:53 Runtime

2.5 Difficulty


3 String Thumb Hopping E to A

We will look to unlock our thumb's independence in this lesson by learning how to hop between the E, A, and D strings in rhythm.

10:02 Runtime

2.5 Difficulty


Low E Scale with High String Accompaniment

Expanding on the independent thumb technique we learned in the last lesson, we will learn how to accompany our thumb using our other fingers.

7:18 Runtime

3.0 Difficulty


Bm Hop-a-Long

Trevor will teach us an exercise that involves more movement with our fretting hand which will make things slightly more difficult for our picking hand.

8:14 Runtime

3.0 Difficulty


G Major Banjo Roll Riff

Now that we have developed good intuition with our picking hand, we will look at developing counter-intuition by examining a riff inspired by banjo roll licks!

10:46 Runtime

3.5 Difficulty


A Melody Using Natural and Artificial Harmonics

Looking deeper at developing counter-intuition, we will learn an exercise containing both natural and artificial harmonics in this next lesson.

9:05 Runtime

3.5 Difficulty


E Minor Open String Riff

To close out the series, Trevor will teach us a challenging riff in E minor combining many of the techniques we've learned in the previous lessons!

13:04 Runtime

3.5 Difficulty

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  • Playing since 1995
  • 369 lessons at JamPlay