Other Instruments - Guitar Question

"Curranni asked "would it be an eventual hope of jamplays to eventually start introducing other instruments to jamplay, i think its the logical and next big step for this site, even as it continues to improve and grow. i would love to see a jamplay drumming, bass rthym (sorry can never spell it) and so on.. i know music is endless but it would be cool. you could also introduce interviews with instructors, guitarists famous musicians, even small documentaries and so on, that members can watch exclusively on the site, i think that would be great in addition to the fantastic job that you are all already doing, i've been playing Irish music since i was 8 and i think, gosh if this was done for Irish trad it would reach so many people around the world, so i think that's what you are already doing, why not go further i say.. you may have to up the price though its getting too good haha...""

Warning: These videos are old, but kept for the archives!

This is a video response from Jim Deeming, one of the many JamPlay instructors. If you have guitar related questions, or are struggling with a topic, we field questions every day from guitarists from around the globe. Learn more about our guitar lessons, and especially our live guitar courses for more information.

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